April 22, 2021
That's what I scribbled on a well-used notepad in a Eureka! moment I had one afternoon after months of contemplating how to condense all I wanted Pretty Things & Cool Stuff to be and do into one overall, guiding principle, purpose.
I didn't want to open just another shop to sell things. I wanted to do something that could help make things better in different ways. I wanted to do so while helping to enhance and improve customers' lives by offering discoveries that would inform, enlighten, educate, engage, connect, help start journeys and deepen experiences and of course, add joy and delight. (mission) And, I wanted to do all of that in a way that was aware, appreciative and respectful of Mother Nature and the home we share here on Earth with all of her children.
I believe that all things are connected in some way. I believe that positive change starts with awareness that ignites interest that progresses into an ongoing effort to understand and learn that evolves into the desire to participate, to do something to make things better. And, I believe that small actions can bring about big changes, like the flapping of a butterfly's wings in the Butterfly Effect.
So, I began by structuring Pretty Things & Cool Stuff on the foundation of People + Planet, with a core list of values that support such. While everything we did/do is driven by the founding principle, we knew/know that we had/have a lot to learn and that things, ideally, progress and improve, and that we must always work to do the same.
We are doing things today that either we did not know yet to do, could not afford to do or simply were not available on our Day One. We know such will repeat itself, and we know will keep moving forward, working to make things better, one step, one day at a time.
Here is where we are today:
To the best of our ability, we vet every potential partner, looking at their values, how they run their businesses, how they treat associates and partners with whom they work. (Of course, we apply the same guidelines and values here.)
We inquire about materials, ingredients, where and how they are grown/sourced/made. We strive to find handmade, homemade, small batch with truly high quality, natural ingredients and materials.
We also curate for quality in materials and design, durability and functionality.
Other than the books in our main Book Shop (which has thousands of titles) we do not offer anything at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff that we personally have not tried or consumed.
On the speciality/gift side of the Pretty Things & Cool Stuff, we do have many books that we and folks we know and trust are familiar with and highly recommend.
Our preference is always for organic, chemical and preservative free, clean. We do understand, however, that while there are significant efforts underway to produce more organic items at centuries-old farms and plantations like those that grow tea, coffee, etc., it is gong to take some time before such are available in larger supply and selection. In the meantime, we find partners who are helping to make such happen in different ways.
Yes, the sachets used for the various wonderful teas we carry from different artisans are plant based.
Yes, we look for yummy treats that focus on a few, high quality ingredients with little to no processed sugar, etc.
We prefer to work with individual artists, small farmers and artisanal food producers, locally, across the country and around the world. We look for those who are working hard in their respective spaces to make things better for all, too, and to break the molds of how things have been done for too long and create inclusive new pathways.
We also understand that getting an "official" organic certification can be a long and very expensive undertaking. Such isn't always a viable one for small and young farmers who are following organic — and even better — regenerative agricultural practices, but cannot yet afford to undertake and pay for an "organic" certification.
We try to work with as many B Corp-certified businesses as possible. I remember when B Corp started and what a wonderful concept and mission it was, and it is so exciting to see so many more businesses making that commitment today. Yes, we have it on our list to do, too.
We believe that every dollar we invest in one of our partners is helping to make things better on many levels. And, when you shop with us, you are investing your money to do the same thing!
OUR BOOK SHOP & GARDEN SHOP — All Under One Sky-Blue Awning
Positive change requires curiosity, understanding, imagination, creativity, persistence and shared stories and experiences and what better way to encourage all than to have a Book Shop. So we do!
And, what better way to connect with Mother Nature and understand how everything is connected to Her, than to grow something. What better way to really see — not just look — how incredibly amazing Nature is than to learn how to observe and respectfully co-exist with it in all of its splendid genius and wonderfulness up close?
So, we decided to add a Garden Shop. And, we are very, very proud to be an affiliate for Botanical Interests, a highly respected, family-owned seed and gardening company in Colorado. Among other things, Botanical Interests was the first to achieve non-GMO certification for all of its very high quality seeds.
We have been a proud customer of EcoEnclose for our boxes and packaging materials since Day One. We have learned a lot from them as they are constantly working to create even more Earth-friendly items, and we have enjoyed watching them grow, too.
We also use recycled tissue, and the little bags we use for the lagniappe we love to add to each customer's package is fully biodegradable.
We work to keep our packaging to a minimum while also working to do what we can to help your purchases arrive in gift-giving condition.
This is an overview of what we are doing to try to get and help keep ourselves balanced with Mother Nature and the Earth. We know we have a lot more to do, step by step, day by day. We hope that perhaps we help you to do so in some way, too.
As always, thank you so much shopping with us and for helping to support our PEOPLE + PLANET mission here at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff.
Onward, together!
Kim, Bill and MiniBoots and our associates and partners
April 12, 2020
Do you like to bake? I love to! And in the back of my mind, I often ponder about what it would be like to have a sunlight-kissed, cozy and happy little bakery filled with really yummy, made-with-much love-and joy, any-time-of-the-day sweet and savory treats and memory-making aromas.
Until that day, our kitchen will have to do. I seek inspiration from visiting bakeries, patisseries, and especially chocolatiers locally and when we travel — either before or after we visit farmers markets.
I also love to curl up with and learn from my collection of old and new cookbooks — my husband keeps telling me we have no more room for cookbooks, but I know better! — and then pick what I would like to make next — or again, with perhaps my own twist.
I have several favorites, and you can find some of them in the shop, along with a curated collection of baking and kitchen tools that we will be growing. One of my favorite go-to baking cookbooks is by Chez Panisse alumna Claire Ptak, who owns the lovely Violet Bakery in London.
Her name sounds familiar, yes? It should, as she was the baker chosen by Meghan Markle to make that beautiful and mouth-watering Amalfi lemon and elderflower sponge cake for Meghan's wedding to Prince Harry.
I'll let Alice Waters — legendary chef, founder/owner of Chez Panisse and Café, author and activist for healthy food and the environment and a heroine of mine — share her thoughts about Claire Ptak and The Violet Bakery and her wonderful cookbook of the same name:
"One of the things I love most about Claire's palate is her unerring sense of balance. When it comes to sugar in her desserts, the sweetness never overwhelms or cloys. She keeps the flavors up there on this incredible tightrope. And she's able to do that because she is always asking herself the questions that matter: What does the new apple harvest taste like? How does spelt flour compare to buckwheat? Is this batch better than the last one I made? She is always searching for how to do it better the next time, never relying on the crutch of the familiar and the predictable. That kind of self-inquiry separates a good cook from a great one...
...This is a lovely book to fall in to...As you thumb through these wonderful images and recipes, you feel welcomed into Claire's kitchen in the most natural of ways. Her nuanced approach to season and place, sweet and savory, flavor and health, is what makes this book so special: it is about food that is lovingly crafted, always mindful of what is delicious, pure, and satisfying in the truest sense."
Exactly! So, to celebrate Easter, Spring, life, anything, because there is always something worth having gratitude for and celebrating, especially with chocolate — here is the delish recipe for Sunken Chocolate Soufflé Cake from The Violet Bakery cookbook. And yes, you can get your own copy of the entire book and its timeless treasure trove of recipes to bake that are perfect any time, from morning to night, right here!
Here is Claire Ptak's own description of her chocolate lovers' dream creation:
"I used to call this a flourless chocolate cake in the early days of my cake stall, and it was so funny to hear people ask for the "flavorless" chocolate cake; however, Sunken Soufflé Cake describes it better. It's a soufflé, made rich with dark chocolate, and when baked just right is super-rich and gooey but then just melts in your mouth and actually feels quite light. These types of flourless cakes were really popular in restaurants in the 1980s and 1990s, but today people tend to add lots of nuts to their chocolate cakes. I love a nutty chocolate cake, but a pure chocolate cake is so lovely."
And, here's the recipe:
NOTE. You need to use an electric mixer to get the right volume with this cake.
Makes one 9-inch cake, which serves 8 to 10
2/3 cup unsalted butter, plus more for greasing the pan
6 1/2 ounces dark chocolate (70 percent cocoa solids)
¼ teaspoon kosher salt
4 eggs
3/4 cup sugar
Cocoa powder, for dusting on top
• Preheat the oven to 340°F (300°F convection). Butter a 9-inch springform cake pan and line with parchment paper.
Melt the butter and chocolate with the salt in a heatproof bowl set over a pan of barely simmering water. Stir occasionally but not vigorously. Once the butter and chocolate have melted, remove the pan from the heat but keep the mixture warm and resting over the pan of water until ready to use.
Separate the eggs, placing the yolks into the bowl of your stand mixer first. Add half of the sugar and whisk until the mixture forms pale and fluffy ribbons and has doubled in volume.
Remove the bowl of melted chocolate from the pan of hot water and set it on your work surface. Fold the whisked yolks into the melted chocolate. They should be marbly and not fully incorporated.
Wash out the mixer bowl and dry it thoroughly, and now add the egg whites to it along with the remaining sugar. Whisk on a high speed until medium-soft peaks form. Do not overwhip. The consistency of the egg whites should resemble that of the yolk and chocolate mixture. Fold the whites into the chocolate until just mixed, then pour into your prepared pan.
Bake for 30 to 40 minutes, until the top of the cake is puffed and just starting to crack. The cake will still have a bit of a wobble and will be puffing out over the top of the pan. Place the pan on a wire cooling rack and coax any extra overflowing cake back into the pan.
Allow to cool for a good 20 minutes, then remove the sides of the pan, peel off the paper, and slide the cake onto a nice serving plate. Dust with cocoa powder before serving.
Reprinted with permission from The Violet Bakery, by Claire Ptak (Ten Speed Press)
Cake Photography copyright by Kristin Perers
Main photo of bee in our garden - Copyright 2020 Kim Young
December 09, 2018
Season’s Greetings!
The holiday season is my favorite time of year. It started when I was a child growing up with my grandparents. Yes, anticipating Santa was part of it, but there was sooo much more. There was the magic!
Hearts were lighter. Everything seemed to sparkle and glow. The music made you smile and want to sing along, or at least hum. And Oh!, the fragrant air!
It began with the freshly cut tree, then the smell of hot chocolate, cinnamon, baking cookies of all kinds blended together for such an intoxicating mix. There were those wondrous snowflakes in the air, and hand-cut ones on the windows.
The most magical part was just how much people were focused on thinking of and doing things for others — working with a love-filled heart to bring delight and joy to others was what it was all about.
I loved every single moment and how it made me feel. I am so thankful to my grandparents for making it so, and I miss them even more at the holidays.
These days, I fiercely hang on to pushing the ways of the world aside at the holidays to make plenty of room for that spirit and the magic.
I find myself wishing for that holiday magic all year. One of my favorite movies is "Auntie Mame", and I love the song, “We Need A Little Christmas”, which is at hand 356 days a year on a favorites playlist .
Another year-round favorite— especially because of the words (see below) — is “Christmastime is Here” , and I use it daily as a notification tone on my phone.
So, all of us elves at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff have been very busy finding discoveries made by people who make things with love to bring joy to others.
We have discoveries from artists, artisans, authors, publishers — indie, arthouse and traditional, businesses small and not so small.
We are working with amazing nonprofits and companies who should be applauded loudly for becoming certified B Corps. We have goods from throughout the United States and from throughout the world.
And of course, we are always working to bring you thoughtfully and conscientiously curated goods that are good for People + Planet that, in addition to bringing delight and joy, also will enlighten, engage, empower and enhance your life and those of others.
We know that there are many wonderful ways to celebrate the season, and we wish all much love, joy and of course, magic!
(I've highlighted some lyrics that convey the magic year round)
May 15, 2018
With final preparations being made in London for The Royal Wedding of Prince Harry to Meghan Markle, and the Royal Horticulture Society's Chelsea Flower Show opening three days later, it is the perfect time to plan how you will celebrate with some Royal Noshing (also a sweet little collection).
We also have selected some delish recipes to share with you to make for your own garden party or spring-into-summer celebration.
A rose is a rose is a rose. And what a wonderful cocktail it makes! Especially when combined with the French wine-based aperitif, Lillet Rosé, which is made from Grand Cru Bordeaux grapes and combined with fruit liquors. (Lillet Blanc also makes a lovely summer cocktail — just get fresh peaches, slice and marinate them in a pitcher of Lillet Blanc that you place in the refrigerator for several hours. Then, serve the peaches alone or spooned over angel food cake or ice cream for a refreshing dessert. AND sip and enjoy the peach-infused Lillet!)
This recipe is from the very talented mixology pioneers at New York's highly rated cocktail sanctuary, Death & Co., and it comes from their classic, beautiful, recipe-laden, encyclopedic, must-have book on Everything Cocktails.
4 heaping teaspoons of dried rosebuds (Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source for organic ones!)
1 750-ml bottle of Lillet Rosé
In a container, combine 4 heaping tablespoons of dried rosebuds and one 750-ml bottle of Lillet Rosé and stir well. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour and 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain through fine-mesh sieve and pour into glass of choice.
Photo: Kristin Peters
By Claire Ptak, The Violet Bakery / Cookbook
One (10 by 4-inch) loaf cake, which cuts into 8 slices
All our lemons at Violet come from the Amalfi coast of Italy. They are large and sweet and have a very thick and pithy peel.
(OUR NOTE: If you don't happen to live near the Amalfi coast or your local market does not have lemons from there, remember to choose a lemon that's heavy for its size and has a pleasant fragrance. The skin should be bright yellow with no wrinkling. A thinner-skinned lemon will yield more juice, while a thicker-skinned one may be better for zest.)
1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 1/2 tablespoons milk
1 cup plus 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened, plus more for greasing the pan
1 1/3 cups sugar
Zest of 3 or 4 lemons (save the juice for the lemon drizzle and icing)
3 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Preheat your oven to 355°F . Butter a 10 by 4-inch loaf pan and line the base and sides with parchment paper, extending the paper about 2 inches above the top of the pan.
First make the sponge (cake). In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream the butter and sugar well, though you don’t want as fluffy a mixture as you would for a layer cake. Zest the lemons into the butter mixture and mix thoroughly. Beat in the eggs one at a time, making sure each one is thoroughly mixed in before adding the next.
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix half of this into the creamed butter mixture, scraping down the sides, until barely combined.
While the mixer is still going, beat in all the milk. Then add the remaining flour and mix until just combined. Scrape the bowl and give it one last mix.
Scoop the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the top with an icing spatula or rubber spatula.
Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until the top of the cake is springy and an inserted skewer comes out clean.
To make the lemon drizzle, combine the sugar, water, and lemon juice in a small pan and heat just until the sugar is melted. Do not let this boil, or the fresh flavor will be lost.
Use a skewer to poke holes evenly throughout the baked loaf. Pour the lemon drizzle over the loaf and let it soak in while you make the icing.
In a small bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar and lemon juice until smooth.
To remove the loaf cake from the pan, run a small paring knife along the inside of the pan, then tilt the pan on its side and coax the loaf out, using the parchment paper as a handle. Peel off the paper and turn the loaf upright on your cooling rack or worktop. Drizzle the icing over the loaf and let it drip down the sides. Use a spatula to lift the loaf onto a serving dish. This keeps well for up to 3 days in an airtight container.
Reprinted with permission from The Violet Bakery Cookbook by Claire Ptak, copyright © 2015, published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Photograph copyright © 2015 by Kristin Perers.
24 ounces bittersweet chocolate — preferably Valrhona Manjari 64% (not too bitter and not too sweet, perfect!) — finely chopped
8 ounces milk chocolate — preferably Valrhona 42% — finely chopped
2 2/3 cups heavy cream (not ultra-pasteurized)
6 ounces of Smith Teamakers Lord Bergamot Tea , plus a little extra to decorate truffles. (You can substitute an Earl Grey tea, but the flavor will not match that of the Lord Bergamot!)
11 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups cocoa powder (not Dutch processed), preferable Valrhona, for rolling truffles in
1. Line a 13-by-9 1/2-inch rimmed baking sheet with plastic wrap; set aside
2. In a heatproof bowl, set over simmering water (don't let bowl touch water), melt 8 ounces bittersweet chocolate and milk chocolate together until it reaches 120 degrees.
3. Place cream in a small saucepan over medium heat; heat until cream just comes to a boil. Place loose tea in a medium, stainless steel bowl. Pour cream over tea and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain the cream mixture through 4 layers of cheesecloth.
4. Remove chocolate mixture from heat and add 1 1/3 cups cream mixture, reserving remaining cream for another use. Using a heatproof spatula, mix together, starting from the center of the saucepan and working your way to the outer edges until mixture is emulsified.
Add butter and and mix with an immersion blender until well combined. Pour mixture into prepared baking sheet, evenly spreading mixture with an offset spatula; cover with plastic wrap, pressing down gently on chocolate mixture to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate at least 2 hours, and up to overnight.
5. Line the back of another 13-by-91/2-inch baking sheet with parchment paper. Uncover chocolate and invert onto parchment paper; remove second piece of plastic wrap. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife, and a ruler as a guide, cut chocolate into 1-inch squares.
6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside. Roll each square of chocolate between your hands to form a smooth ball. Transfer chocolate balls to baking sheet; refrigerate for 1 hour.
7. Melt remaining 16 ounces of bittersweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set over (but not touching) simmering water. Place cocoa powder in a shallow dish. Place some of the melted chocolate in the palm of your hand and roll a chocolate ball in the melted chocolate to coat, then roll in cocoa powder. Sprinkle some of the extra Lord Bergamot loose tea on top of truffle and press in gently.
Repeat process with remaining chocolate balls. Transfer truffles to an airtight container, stacking truffles no more than 2 to 3 inches high, and refrigerate up to 2 weeks. Bring truffles to room temperature just before serving. ENJOY!
Recipe inspiration from Smith Tea
March 15, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day! We hope this finds you and yours well and enjoying a love-filled day.
It is no secret that we here at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff are HUGE fans of good chocolate. So, we always are looking for ways to enjoy and share it.
One of our favorite chefs/food writers is David Lebovitz ( we feature a few of his books in the shop - Drinking French, The Perfect Scoop, My Paris Kitchen), and he has an amazing recipe for a chocolate cake that he describes as "extremely rich, and tastes like the most delicious, silkiest, most supremely-chocolate ganache you've ever had." We totally agree!
What makes this recipe really amazing is the fact that it is next to impossible to mess it up. In fact, David even once called it the Chocolate Idiot Cake! It takes just four ingredients, no special techniques, just some whisking, and once it has cooled, it can be refrigerated for several days before serving.
A couple of important notes:
10 ounces (290 grams) bittersweet or semisweet good-quality chocolate, coarsely chopped
7 ounces (200 grams) butter — salted or unsalted — cut into pieces
5 large eggs at room temperature
1 cup (200 grams) sugar
Unsweetened cocoa powder for preparing the cake pan
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF (175ºC).
2. Butter a 9-inch (23cm) springform pan and dust it with cocoa powder, tapping out any excess. Wrap the outside with aluminum foil, in several layers if necessary (see headnote), making sure it goes all the way up to the outer rim.
3. Melt the chocolate and butter in a double boiler (or microwave), stirring occasionally, until smooth. Remove from heat.
4. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar, then whisk in the melted chocolate mixture until smooth.
5. Pour the batter into the prepared springform pan and cover the top of the cake pan snugly with a sheet of foil. Put the springform pan into a larger pan that can be put in the oven, like a roasting pan. Add enough hot water to the roasting-turned-baking pan so that it reaches halfway up to the outside of the cake pan.
7. Bake the cake for about 1 hour and 15 minutes. It should feel just set in the center, like quivering chocolate pudding. If you gently touch the center, your finger should come away almost clean.
8. Lift the cake pan from the water bath and remove the foil. Let cake cool completely on a cooling rack.
9. When it is cool, serve thin wedges of this very rich cake at room temperature, with crème anglaise, ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate sauce, Amarena cherries and their syrup, etc.
Storage: This cake can be wrapped and chilled in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.
Talk about having your cake and eating it, too!
What can be more Irish than Guiness beer and Bailey's Irish Cream? And just imagine combining them with chocolate in a deliciously dark cake for a double shot of Irish! The cake recipe comes from Clodaugh's Irish Kitchen: A Fresh Take on Traditional Flavors by popular Irish chef Clodaugh McKenna.
Serves 10
2 1/4 sticks plus 1 tablespoon unsalted butter
1 1/4 cup Guinness
1 cup unsweetened, Dutch-process cocoa powder
2 large eggs
2 cups plus 2 tablespoons superfine sugar
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon baking power
8 tablespoons (4 ounces) unsalted Irish butter
2 1/2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/4 cups cream cheese (not low fat)
4 tablespoons Bailey's Irish Cream
Preheat oven to 325°F. Line the bottom of a 12-inch, round springform pan with parchment paper.
Heat the butter in a a large saucepan over medium heat until melted. Stir in Guinness, then remove from the heat and the stir in cocoa powder.
In a large mixing bowl, beat the eggs, sugar, vanilla extract and buttermilk and then slowly mix in the Guinness mixture.
Sift together the flour, baking soda and baking powder into a separate large bowl. Using a handheld electric mixer, slowly mix the wet mixture into the dry ingredients and keep beating until all is well combined.
Transfer the batter to the prepared cake pan and bake in the oven for 45 minutes. Test to make sure the cake is ready by inserting a toothpick into the center of the cake — if it comes out clean, the cake is finished baking. Let the cake cool in the pan, then transfer from the pan onto a wire rack.
While the cake is cooling, make the frosting: Using a handheld electric mixer, blend all of the ingredients together until light and fluffy.
Place the cooled cake on a plate and generously spread the frosting on top.
The cake will keep up to a week in an airtight container.
A rose is a rose is a rose. And what a wonderful cocktail it makes! Especially when combined with the French wine-based aperitif, Lillet Rosé, which is made from Grand Cru Bordeaux grapes and combined with fruit liquers.
This recipe is from the very talented mixology pioneers at New York's highly rated cocktail sanctuary, Death & Co., and it comes from their classic, beautiful, recipe-laden, encyclopedic, must-have book on Everything Cocktails.
4 heaping teaspoons of dried rosebuds (Mountain Rose Herbs is a great source for organic ones!)
1 750-ml bottle of Lillet Rose
In a container, combine the dried rosebuds and the bottle of Lillet Rosé. Stir well. Let stand at room temperature for 1 hour and 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Strain through a fine-mesh sieve into a glass of choice.
Photo: Kristin Peters
One (10 by 4-inch) loaf cake, which cuts into 8 slices
All our lemons at Violet come from the Amalfi coast of Italy. They are large and sweet and have a very thick and pithy peel.
(OUR NOTE: If you don't happen to live near the Amalfi coast or your local market does not have lemons from there, remember to choose a lemon that's heavy for its size and has a pleasant fragrance. The skin should be bright yellow with no wrinkling. A thinner-skinned lemon will yield more juice, while a thicker-skinned one may be better for zest.)
1 3/4 cups plus 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
6 1/2 tablespoons milk
1 cup plus 3 tablespoons unsalted butter, softened, plus more for greasing the pan
1 1/3 cups sugar
Zest of 3 or 4 lemons (save the juice for the lemon drizzle and icing)
3 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
1 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Preheat your oven to 355°F . Butter a 10 by 4-inch loaf pan and line the base and sides with parchment paper, extending the paper about 2 inches above the top of the pan.
First make the sponge (cake). In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream the butter and sugar well, though you don’t want as fluffy a mixture as you would for a layer cake. Zest the lemons into the butter mixture and mix thoroughly. Beat in the eggs one at a time, making sure each one is thoroughly mixed in before adding the next.
In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix half of this into the creamed butter mixture, scraping down the sides, until barely combined.
While the mixer is still going, beat in all the milk. Then add the remaining flour and mix until just combined. Scrape the bowl and give it one last mix.
Scoop the mixture into the prepared pan and smooth the top with an icing spatula or rubber spatula.
Bake for 50 to 60 minutes, until the top of the cake is springy and an inserted skewer comes out clean.
To make the lemon drizzle, combine the sugar, water, and lemon juice in a small pan and heat just until the sugar is melted. Do not let this boil, or the fresh flavor will be lost.
Use a skewer to poke holes evenly throughout the baked loaf. Pour the lemon drizzle over the loaf and let it soak in while you make the icing.
In a small bowl, whisk together the confectioners’ sugar and lemon juice until smooth.
To remove the loaf cake from the pan, run a small paring knife along the inside of the pan, then tilt the pan on its side and coax the loaf out, using the parchment paper as a handle. Peel off the paper and turn the loaf upright on your cooling rack or worktop. Drizzle the icing over the loaf and let it drip down the sides. Use a spatula to lift the loaf onto a serving dish. This keeps well for up to 3 days in an airtight container.
Reprinted with permission from The Violet Bakery Cookbook by Claire Ptak, copyright © 2015, published by Ten Speed Press, an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC. Photograph copyright © 2015 by Kristin Perers.
(Think Earl Grey tea, but with a superior flavor. Yields 100 truffles)
24 ounces bittersweet chocolate — preferably Valrhona Manjari 64% (not too bitter and not too sweet, perfect!) — finely chopped
8 ounces milk chocolate — preferably Valrhona 42% — finely chopped
2 2/3 cups heavy cream (not ultra-pasteurized)
6 ounces of Smith Tea Lord Bergamot Blend 55 Loose Leaf Tea , plus a little extra to decorate truffles. (You can substitute an Earl Grey tea, but the flavor will not match that of the Lord Bergamot!)
11 tablespoons unsalted butter, room temperature
2 cups cocoa powder (not Dutch processed), preferable Valrhona, for rolling truffles in
1. Line a 13-by-9 1/2-inch rimmed baking sheet with plastic wrap; set aside
2. In a heatproof bowl, set over simmering water (don't let bowl touch water), melt 8 ounces bittersweet chocolate and milk chocolate together until it reaches 120 degrees.
3. Place cream in a small saucepan over medium heat; heat until cream just comes to a boil. Place loose tea in a medium, stainless steel bowl. Pour cream over tea and let steep for 10 minutes. Strain the cream mixture through 4 layers of cheesecloth.
4. Remove chocolate mixture from heat and add 1 1/3 cups cream mixture, reserving remaining cream for another use. Using a heatproof spatula, mix together, starting from the center of the saucepan and working your way to the outer edges until mixture is emulsified.
Add butter and and mix with an immersion blender until well combined. Pour mixture into prepared baking sheet, evenly spreading mixture with an offset spatula; cover with plastic wrap, pressing down gently on chocolate mixture to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate at least 2 hours, and up to overnight.
5. Line the back of another 13-by-91/2-inch baking sheet with parchment paper. Uncover chocolate and invert onto parchment paper; remove second piece of plastic wrap. Using a pizza cutter or sharp knife, and a ruler as a guide, cut chocolate into 1-inch squares.
6. Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside. Roll each square of chocolate between your hands to form a smooth ball. Transfer chocolate balls to baking sheet; refrigerate for 1 hour.
7. Melt remaining 16 ounces of bittersweet chocolate in a heatproof bowl, set over (but not touching) simmering water. Place cocoa powder in a shallow dish. Place some of the melted chocolate in the palm of your hand and roll a chocolate ball in the melted chocolate to coat, then roll in cocoa powder. Sprinkle some of the extra Lord Bergamot loose tea on top of truffle and press in gently.
Repeat process with remaining chocolate balls. Transfer truffles to an airtight container, stacking truffles no more than 2 to 3 inches high, and refrigerate up to 2 weeks. Bring truffles to room temperature just before serving. ENJOY!
Recipe inspiration from Smith Tea and Charles Chocolates
February 06, 2016
I've always loved Valentine's Day.
In elementary school, I remember working diligently to compile a list of all of my Valentines. They ranged from my grandparents (who raised me) to good friends, favorite teachers, the postman, and yes, of course, the boy who made my heart flutter.
Once the list was complete, I would set about finding the perfect way to let each person know they were special to me in some way. To me, that was the magic and true joy of Valentine's Day.
Whether it was picking the right Valentine card with the perfect sentiment and complementary image or crafting a meaningful expression of affection and appreciation from a box of embossed candy hearts, or finding that ideal gift that would bring a wide, true smile (and not deplete my piggy bank), I so enjoyed playing Cupid!
And I still find great joy today in working to pair the right gift with the right person to bring that priceless and unmistakeable smile of real delight. Don't you?
But to do so can be hard today, for a variety of reasons.
So, I thought I would strap on my Cupid wings and put together a selection of goodies that I hope will help you bring that special kind of delight to all of your special Valentines. And, we also have Free Standard Shipping in the continental U.S. for orders over $40 through Valentine's Day.
BUT FIRST, we have some Valentine's gifts for YOU!
There are two beautiful Zentangle-style hearts from Bangkok studio Bimbim for you to download, color, keep or share. Just click on the envelope on the left or the right — or both! — below, download, print and let your imagination soar as you color away!
AND, we also have a very yummy recipe for Lord Bergamot Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffles made with tea from Smith Teamakers. Smith's Lord Bergamot Blend 55 tea offers a superior flavor to typical Earl Grey tea (which you can substitute), which makes it the perfect choice for these dare-you-to-eat-just-one truffles.
Looking for some fun, retro, punch-out-and-mail classic Valentine cards...
...or some hand-carved, woodcut, handprinted cards from Katherine Watson to help you tell your Secret Valentine how much you care? (Click on images for more information.)
Love, love, is all we need.
So, here are three charming, keepsake books to help you document, share and learn more about love with that Special Someone:
Playful, tender, and personal, What I Love About You is the perfect gift for the person in your life who makes your pulse race.
This fill-in-the-blank book prompts you to say what is in your heart, but may not always be at the tip of your tongue. You can tell the most important person in your life just how much they mean to you by completing the unique, evocative checklists, short answers, and phrases in this clever book.
So, how would you answer the following with your Valentine?
In This Is for You, Rob Ryan takes his unique vision and crafts a book-length Valentine that will move the heart and engage the spirit with its charm and artistry. Each of this charming book's 64 pages features color images of amazingly intricately hand-cut and hand-painted paper cuttings that tell an enchanting tale of yearning and romantic hope. Ripe with evocative imagery and a heartfelt text, This Is for You is a powerful combination of poetry, graphic novel, and museum-quality art, but at its heart, it's a simple yet timeless tale of love. The perfect keepsake, it is magical, both in how it looks and the feeling of hope and wonderment is leaves you with. It is poignant and celebratory — just like real-life love. (Check out Dana's one-of-a-kind, hand-cut, hand-colored paper heartworks featured below for the ideal gift companion for this book!)
And then we have this beauty. Just Imagine how happy your Sweetie will be when you give her or him John Lennon: The Collected Artwork.
Before Lennon was a singer, a Beatle, or a music legend, he was an artist. Professionally trained, he attended the prestigious Liverpool Art Institute form 1957 to 1960.Throughout the course of his career, Lennon’s work as an artist expressed common societal themes from every epoch he witnessed. Until now, little of this work has been seen in one place. For the first time, John Lennon: The Collected Artwork offers a visually captivating history of Lennon’s art, and this captivating collection includes more than 200 images and features 25 never-before-published pieces from the archives of Yoko Ono.
Dana Coody Lucas is one of those rare, hearts-and-flowers, glass-half-full artists who creates objects that manage to be fun and whimsical without a hint of trite or sappy.
The idea for these gorgeous hand-cut Valentines was born when Dana taught high school art and theater on a $900 annual budget. What started out as a cheap student project led to many moments of zen achieved with paper, scissors, vision, patience and a steady hand.
Yes, each of these unique beauties is hand-drawn, intricately hand cut from paper and passionately hand colored. Click on the hearts below to see the entire collection of Dana's Heart Full Hearts, each as special as your Valentine! (Perfect pairing with Rob Ryan's This is For You shown above!)
How about giving flowers that won't wilt or need watering?
Instead, you can give a wonderful A-Z guide for growing all kinds of flowers?And how about a very cool looking pewter watering can to go with The Gardener's A-Z Guide to Growing Flowers From Seeds to Bloom What's in a name? First published in 1958, The Flower Chronicles is a compendium on the history of flowers that has
lost none of its bloom. Drawn from folklore, poetry, annals of medicine, and gardening manuals to report essential historical information on the domestication of garden favorites before they were grown as ornamental plants.
Organized by species, Flower Chronicles brims with literary and historical references and anecdotes. It has an antiquarian feel about it, with its line drawings, woodcuts, and translations from the Greek, but the text never feels dated. Though out of print for nearly thirty years, Flower Chronicles has reemerged as a must-have classic for Valentines with green thumbs, or those who want to know more than a rose is a rose is a rose.
The complementary contrast of colors and textures handcrafted together to make these beautiful earrings caught my eye immediately!
The light to dark shades of sparking grey drusy with its surface of tiny natural crystals pairs perfectly with the smooth, light-catching facets of the deep violet-blue iolite gemstones
Oooooh! Wrap yourself in a rich, magical color of the rainbow when you wear this handcrafted and hand-dyed scarf by Earth Stain. That color is indigo, that hypnotic blue that sits between blue and violet. Each long scarf is truly unique!
So pretty, feminine and eye-catchingingly unique This stunning scarf/shawl was handmade by 7 Sisters, a very talented family of sisters from Kygyrsktan who use the traditional, labor-intensive Kyrgyz "ala-kiyiz" technique that combines delicate, airy, handwoven silk with two layers of felted Kyrgyz wool.
I was smitten when I first saw this beautiful handmade silk scarf. And when I met its maker and heard how she partnered with Mother Nature to craft each one, I fell in love! This Earth Stain scarf is made with a hand-dying process called eco-bundling, where flower petals, twigs, roots, etc., are used to create intricate, colorful and unique patterns.
I think Michael Turback, author of Hot Chocolate, sums up best why I LOVE this book, and why I think anyone who loves chocolate and real-deal hot chocolate will, too: So why on earth can't we make as decent a cup of hot chocolate as they do in Europe?
I take my chocolate very seriously, and I love to seek out the best on my travels. With the amazing Katherine Clapner's Dude, Sweet Chocolate! right here in Dallas, I don't have to travel too far for one of the most delicious ways to savor good chocolate — by drinking it!
When you first see one of these charming, handcrafted cup and saucer sets, you immediately want to sit some place cozy and fill each cup to the brim with something very tasty — like Dude, Sweet Chocolate! Drinking Chocolate (see above!) Or what about a perfectly made cup of expresso with just the right crema? (Not sure how to do it right? Then The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee book below is just for you!
If your Valentine adores the best chocolate, loves making divine desserts with chocolate and can't make it to the chocolate master classes that top-tier French chocolatier Valrhona offers at London's Cookery, then this book will be a true treat!
The name says it all — sweet and nutty! Take raw, unfiltered Blackland Prairie honey from the Texas Honeybee Guild and mix with fresh Texas pecans for a very tasty treat! Spoon Sweet Nut Thangs over brie, your favorite ice cream or mix it with yogurt. Spread over pancakes or waffle, or use your sweet imagination!
If your or your Valentine is a flour-dusted soul on a pilgrimage to make the Perfect Pie, then you must get Pie: 300 Tried-and-True Recipes for Delicious Homemade Pie! by the Dean of Pie-Making, Ken Haedrich!
And if your Valentine's Bucket List includes making the Perfect Pie, then he or she must have the Perfect Pie Pie Plate. The good news is that England's Mason Cash has been been helping home bakers avoid needless culinary catastrophes and graduate with honors for more than 200 years!
How many times have you been in the middle of cooking a meal armed with a variety of measuring tools and still seem to be one measuring cup or teaspoon short of having the right tool to measure exactly what you need? Aside from a knife, The Perfect Beaker is the kitchen's single most important tool!
Me oh my, does your Valentine love pie! (Remember that great scene from the movie
Michael?) Based on recipes and stories from Emily Hilliard's popular Nothing-in-the-House pie blog, PIE — A Hand Drawn Almanac, is a full-color, fully-illustrated partnership between Emily and very talented illustrator Elizabeth Grabber. A unique treat for your One and Only!
Save your Valentine from "The Tyranny of the 750". Wanting a glass of wine but knowing that if you open a new bottle, there would be the pressure to maybe drink more that you wanted or end up throwing good wine down the drain..."the tyranny of the 750". Enter lover of wine and foodie at heart, Scott Tavenner and his mission to create the perfect solution with the Savino Wine Saver Carafe.
"One of the most influential bars in America has come out with a book of cocktails…just as brilliant as the place itself…The recipes are well organized and will appeal to everyone.— Max Watman, The New York Times Book Review
Death & Co: Modern Classic Cocktails with More Than 500 Recipes is the definitive guide to the contemporary craft cocktail movement, from one of the highest-profile, most critically lauded, and influential bars in the world.
"Once you’ve tried Blue Bottle coffee there is no going back—and thanks to this book, you can now understand exactly why. This be-all book on today’s coffee culture is a how-to and why manual that will thrill coffee geeks, amateurs, and professionals alike. And for those whose experience is that food is an afterthought at a coffee bar, you can now have Blue Bottle’s sumptuous recipes that are like the crema in the cup."
— Danny Meyer, noted restauranteur (think Gramercy Tavern, Union Square Cafe and the Union Square Hospitality Group, and author of Setting the Table. 'Nuf said. The Blue Bottle Craft of Coffee book is the Ideal pick for your coffee-loving Sweetheart!
If your Heart Throb is looking for an opportunity to slow down, unplug and relax, there's nothing more satisfying than making the time to enjoy a cup of tea. Price & Kensington's Bright Red Tea for One will make your Special Someone think of you when they sip and say "Ahhhhh..."
If your Valentine is a tea lover, she or he will love you more if you introduce them to Smith Teas. The lexicon of tea is full of exotic terms. Oolong. Pu-erb. Matcha. Mao Feng. To these, we humbly add Smith. This Smith Lord Bergamot Blend 55 Loose Leaf Tea has a flavor superior to the typical Earl Grey. Fragrant Ceylon Dimbulla and Uva are artfully combined with select teas from India's Assam Valley, then scented with the flavor of bergamot fruit from the realm of Reggio Calabria, Italy. Get the recipe for Lord Bergamot Tea-Infused Chocolate Truffles here.
The art of making a 'proper cup of tea' that would make any English afternoon tea aficionado and Valentine proud, possesses two constants. The first is to use water that is boiled only once and, second, use a teapot that allows the tea leaves to swirl freely around the pot, which releases the flavor and, ultimately, provides a rich, full-flavored and less bitter tea.While we can't be there to boil the water for you Lovebirds, we can provide you with the proper pot, the Price & Kensington White Gloss 6-Cup teapot.
February 27, 2015
I'm so excited because it is FINALLY snowing here in Dallas! I LOVE snow because of its quiet beauty and the incredible magic of each unique flake. (I know my Boston friends are rolling their eyes, but, hey, it's about time Mother Nature shared!)
AND, not only is it snowing, it is Tea Time, but not just any Tea Time — it's SMITH TEAMAKER TEA Time! I am SO excited about offering these thoughtfully crafted and memorably delicious teas created and hand blended in Portland by Stephen Smith, long recognized as one of the world's best tea makers.
One of my New Year resolutions I have actually stayed with — and really benefitted from — is working to become more mindful, more present in the moment right in front of me! And, Smith Teas are so elegantly flavorful that they really do make you stop, take notice, and the world just seems to melt away as you savor each sip. Really!
I thought I would share a bit of my Tea Time with you today — from the brewing to the sipping and savoring along with the ever-so-graceful snowfall.
Always a tough choice, but I chose Big Hibiscus today. I start boiling the water. When you see the size of all of the herbal goodies in the oversize, silky sachet — deep red hibiscus flowers joined with exquisite touches of Indian sarsaparilla, ginger, pink rose petals, and the fresh taste of elderflowers from Europe — you will know why a roiling boil is perfect for this luscious infusion. You then steep the tea for 5 minutes to allow all of the flavors to blossom fully and blend. Hard to wait!
I love these porcelain cups —originally from Japan — and have had them for years. I am trying to find some for the shop. Perfect for sipping and keeping tea warm, as well as having room for some tasty treats and/or your tea bag. These sweet treats are melt-in-your-mouth King Harold Gingersnaps from the heavenly Chocolate Maven in Santa Fe, NM. Yum!
And then, the finished brew —no wonder why Big Hibiscus is often called the Cabernet of hibiscus tea — is ready for me to sip while watching the snow fall outside my office window. Ahhhhhhhh.........Back to you in a bit, World.
February 12, 2015
It really does take a village.
Whether it is in our everyday lives — take the time to think about what your life would be like if others didn't do their jobs, and do them well. Really. Think about every, single thing that someone else does that touches and impacts your life. Or at work.
And especially so when individuals work to craft and grow independent, good, socially responsible businesses.
I got this in the mail a couple of days ago from the good ladies at Bee's Wrap. And, I was really touched! How thoughtful and kind!
It's really been the only Thank You I have received from any of the partners I work with to bring you discoveries that we hope will delight other than the words printed on invoices or in emails after I've placed an order.
I love what Bee's Wrap is and what it is about. (Check out its story and our selection in our PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE Collection.) And, I am very happy to partner with them as we both work to bring you items that are good investments — on a daily basis — in you, others and of our course, Our Planet.
So to the innovative, energetic and caring ladies at Bee's Wrap, Thank YOU for being YOU!
I also want to say the same thing to Julie Thibodeaux and all of the folks at Green Source DFW. You can always count on Julie to pull together a very thoughtful roundup of sustainability oriented gifts for all occasions, and we were very excited when she included Pretty Things & Cool Stuff and featured two styles of cards — retro ones and handprinted cards from artist Katharine Watson's hand-carved original designs — in her article about Valentine's Day gifts!
Our heartfelt thanks, Julie!
And, I also must give a big Thank You! to Dave Mullen, editor of the Katy Trail Weekly here in Dallas. He called me a couple of weeks ago, told me that he really liked my concept/vision and what I am working to accomplish, and said he would like to do a story!
Well, here's the front page result: (just use the scroll bar to the right of the paper and scroll down below the Cafe Momentum story, and you will find us!!!)
It really means a lot when someone on the outside recognizes what you are doing and what you are trying to do, and they want to tell others about it!
Thank you so much, Dave, for seeing, caring and sharing!
Gosh, what a village!
January 29, 2015
I hope 2015 is off to a grand start for you all! And, let me take this opportunity to get a bit ahead of the curve and wish you a happy Ground Hog Day and Valentine's Day!
I had planned to share this on the anniversary of Pretty Things & Cool Stuff, which was Dec. 14 of last year. But, things were crazy busy - thanks to all of you!
Sybil, Sweet Sybil
I want to start with sharing with you some dated news, that still is very hard for me to talk about without tearing up (so glad this is not live, streaming video!). If you had a chance to read Our Story, you will know that Sybil was our very sweet, smart parakeet / office manager / cheerleader / mascot.
The many days that Doubt and Fear would team up to try to get me to give up on creating and launching Pretty Things & Cool Stuff, Sybil would be there with this look she had that seemed to say, "Come on! You really believe in your mission and you have good work to do, so keep going! Keep going! You can do it!"
In late July of last year, Sybil passed away in my hands after suffering a sudden stroke. She was five months shy of her 15th birthday. We were devastated. The pain of losing her and what she selflessly gave to us and how she enriched our lives on a daily basis has not dulled. As I've shared before, Pretty Things & Cool Stuff is a new path and adventure for me, and the time since without cheerleader Sybil encouraging me on from her perch daily have been challenging.
I know she is still with us in a different way. And of course, she still watches over everything from her perch atop the Discovery & DELIGHT street sign in our logo. We will always miss her.
I love all living creatures. We need each other, and always have, for so many reasons. And that is why I selected this book — The Soul of All Living Creatures: What Animals Can Teach Us About Being Human — for the shop. It has helped us, and I hope it will warm your heart and soul, too.
Looking back at our first year, where are we?
More excited and more committed than ever to our Why?, our mission — which has crystallized and become even clearer during the past months:
We want to partner with you to help evolve purchases of wants and needs in your daily life into investments in a better you and a better world - one dedicated to restoration, renewal and balance.
Our internal mantra / guide is: PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE because we believe it sums up everything so nicely. We need each other. Like just about everything else on this fascinating, revolving, evolving jewel we are so fortunate to get to ride along on daily.
So, how are we going to do this?
We are taking things one step at a time, with your help and guidance — listening, observing, learning, tweaking, then we will rinse and repeat.
Here are some of the values, ideas and beliefs we are using to help guide our way:
High quality, value and smart design/functionality through sustainable practices
Our priority is to work to source discoveries that are created with PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE top of mind. This ranges from being as People and Earth-friendly as possible in production, etc. Those who re-think, reuse, recycle, up-cycle, restore and repurpose get an extra nod.
In addition to offering items that are enjoyable and fun, we also want to provide discoveries that are useful, will enhance your life in some meaningful way, will last, and ones that you will want to keep and be proud to give or share.
Over the past year, we have visited with many different partners and potential partners — large companies, start-up entrepreneurs and home-based artisans and craftspeople —who are working hard to do what they can move what they produce and how they do it closer to the PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE mark —if they aren't already there.
We also hold a deep affinity with artisans, craftspeople and independent innovators and entrepreneurs and small, locally based businesses — from across the country and the world. We love handmade, handcrafted, original design and original art. And we will look to those who do such first and frequently for new discoveries for our shelves.
Spend a few minutes with our PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE Collection, and you will find examples such as Bee's Wrap, Texas Honeybee Guild, Esperos, Dude, Sweet Chocolate!, Katharine Watson, Stay Gold, Mary Rose, Audra Azoura, Martha McQuade, Cuppow and more. And this is just a beginning.
We're close to Valentine's Day, so check out Dana's lovely, original, hand-cut, hand-colored Heart Full Hearts.
In a world hard-wired for PEOPLE vs. PEOPLE vs. PLANET for decades, it is challenging and difficult to help blaze and build a new, better path. But there is tremendous progress being made that is very, very encouraging and oh so exciting! And, more and more people each day are seeking out, embracing and living this new path!
We know things aren't perfect, and in some areas, there is a long way to go, but we are committed to seeking out and working with those who are striving daily to move us closer to PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE. The Movement is here, it's very real and person by person, action by action, it is changing things for the better — every day!
Books are essential. We love books! REAL BOOKS! We know you do, too!
I've realized throughout the years that the more I learned, the less I really knew. I think Greek philosopher Socrates really said it best, "The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing."
Funny, but is was so liberating for me when I finally realized that is was totally okay and so right to acknowledge and accept such. And, how wonderful it is to be a lifelong student with unbridled, childlike curiosity that encourages "What if?" and "Why not?", especially in today's ever-changing world!
We believe books can start an amazing, ongoing chain reaction of reading, thinking, learning, enlightenment, sharing, conversations, understanding brainstorming, trial, error and action that are the stepping stones to the thoughtful, reasoned, real and positive progress we need toward a restored, renewed and balanced world.
We're still working on some of the final details, but I wanted to give you a heads-up that Pretty Things & Cool Stuff, to date, has relationships with 18 publishers —major and independent — representing hundreds of imprints covering every nonfiction and fiction topic you can imagine. We also love looking for the many gems that can be found in not-so-recent and vintage books.
Nope. We're not trying to be that corporation named after a warrior woman or parrot or region or rainforest or river or whatever. If you really understand it, its mission, and the real, true impact it has had, you will know it's a capital P Predator.
It crawls Pretty Things & Cool Stuff on a frequent basis and has the ability to do some things with its technology and real-time pricing capabilities that probably wouldn't hold up to fair and unpaid-for-by-same-company scrutiny. Yep, we know it's there lurking, but we have much more important things to do!
Right now, we are trying to offer you a curated selection of high quality books by thoughtfully selected authors that you can learn from, think about, follow a passion with or warm a heart — yours or someone else's. And, with your participation and feedback, we will work to make that selection more personal, meaningful and useful in the months ahead.
By the way, we have made the decision not to return books that don't find homes to their publishers, which would save us and you a few coins. Instead, we will donate them to libraries, schools, community centers and places where they will fit the best and do the most good.
How we work each day
As a start-up, there is little waste, and we're really not interested in changing that as we grow. In addition to taking care about the partners we select to provide discoveries for you, we take the same care in finding sources for our packaging and supplies.
We do care a great deal about how we package items for delivery to you, so you will find more than just your item sliding around in a box. Most of the packing materials we use have been recycled - and can be recycled. You might even find a good use for them! And of course, we always are looking for ways to do things better for you and Mother Earth at the same time.
We also want to let you know that we are not going to participate in that fast-race-to-the-bottom-for everybody that is constant discounting and endless free shipping. It just doesn't serve ANYBODY well in the long run. We are committed to and driven by our mission, we are working hard to stay in it for the long run.
We do not believe in artificially marking prices way up to turn around every five minutes and mark them down. Yes, I know that the brain likes the dopamine fix it gets from the perception of getting a "deal". But it truly is a false, damaging, delusional buzz, and we just don't roll that way. Also, we want to work to have items in our shop that you would like without us having to resort to deceptive practices to get you to buy them.
We also believe in living wages, and strong and thriving locally based independent artists, craftsmen and businesses, who can thoughtfully create and produce quality items that last, as well as true selection that provides real, PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE-oriented choice and delights.
We understand the importance of Value and Values, and we are working to help ensure that what we do provides such for everyone.
Planting seeds. Building community that drives positive impact every day
We don't think of it as giving back. We view it as planting seeds for renewal and restoration and balance. Investing each and every day in some way for a better tomorrow for all. That is how we were raised, and we believe it's sage, timeless guidance that we're sticking to!
There is so much work that needs to be done. When my head starts spinning when I try to figure out what one can do to help realize real, lasting positive impact, I recall the Starfish Story:
A young girl was walking along a beach upon which thousands of starfish had been washed up during a terrible storm. When she came to each starfish, she would pick it up, and throw it back into the ocean. People watched her with amusement.
She had been doing this for some time when a man approached her and said, “Little girl, why are you doing this? Look at this beach! You can’t save all these starfish. You can’t begin to make a difference!”
The girl seemed crushed, suddenly deflated. But after a few moments, she bent down, picked up another starfish, and hurled it as far as she could into the ocean. Then she looked up at the man and replied, “Well, I made a difference to that one!”
The old man looked at the girl inquisitively and thought about what she had done and said. Inspired, he joined the little girl in throwing starfish back into the sea. Soon others joined, and all the starfish were saved.
— Adapted from The Star Thrower
by Loren C. Eiseley
While we're still figuring out the starfish, we are very proud to have partnered during the holidays with Leanne Brown to help donate — with your help — hard copies of her wonderful book, Good and Cheap: Eat Well $4/Day to a local,community-based farmers market to give to their customers who shop with SNAP benefits. We hope the books will help them prepare affordable meals that are healthier and more nutritious. We are going to do it again for Valentine's Day, so we hope you will join in!
To us, Pretty Things & Cool Stuff is much more than a shop. In our mind's eye, we envision building and enabling a community of people energized and engaged to seek ways every day they can do something that will have a positive impact and move us closer to PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE.
MOST IMPORTANT — Partners with YOU!
We can't very well craft and become a trusted source that you will enjoy coming to time and time again for something with a strong PEOPLE + PLANET = ONE orientation that will enhance your life or someone else's in a delightful way if you aren't in the kitchen with us guiding us on what and how much to put in and what to take out.
We very much appreciate and value the feedback many of you have offered over the past year, and we are working to put such to good use. And we are going to come back — often — to ask for more, pretty please!
We really do want to do what we can to provide you with discoveries and service that delight.
But please do not wait for us to ask. If you have something on your mind — a suggestion, idea, comment, concern, whatever, please contact us and let us know!
If you haven't already, please join our email list. We think this is the best vehicle for news, new items, promotions and to get your feedback and suggestions. And trust me, we are very appreciative of your invitation to visit your Inbox from time to time, and we are intent on not wearing out that welcome mat!
Between now and Valentine's Day, if you sign up for our email list, we will show our appreciation by giving you a 10% discount on your next purchase. Sign up, and we will send you the information you need to get your savings. Just scroll down to the bottom of this page to the Email Signup box.
There really are not enough hours in the days and arms and legs on this side of the counter to feed all of the social media channels we have on a daily basis (see all at bottom of this page). We will be working harder this year to converse with you more on this blog and on facebook, with twitter and Instagram right behind. We love Pinterest, too. Arrrgh! Hmmm...if I don't sleep.....
Tomorrow brings new lessons to learn and opportunities to improve and grow. It also brings our next step in this journey and our mission. With your continued encouragement, support and partnership, we promise we will work hard to make it and the next and the next and the next and the next...really good ones! Onward!
Thank you so very much!
Kim and Bill and yes, Sybil
April 10, 2014
I really do!
It's about new beginnings —and growing. And discovery — always about discovery!
And that's what we are doing at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff!
We're taking the great input and feedback from you and using it to help guide us as we discover new goodies. We also will be listening to you as we work to craft a new service that we hope will bring delight!
If you haven't signed up for our emails yet, why don't you take just a minute to do so now while you're visiting the shop. Also, we could love to have you as part of our growing community on facebook, Pinterest, twitter and Instagram. Just scroll down to the bottom of the home page, and you will find the sign-up box for email, as well as links to all things social.
Sybil and I also want to thank all of our customers again, and we also want to express our deep gratitude for the wonderful reviews. You can check out some of them by looking for the blue "REVIEWS" tab on the right-hand side of the shop pages.
We also are getting some very nice kudos coming in via email that really warm our hearts:
I wish you the best in this exciting new endeavor too! Great items, a great site, plus great customer service and an all around really GREAT IDEA!!! I am sure it will be a success too - I can tell you are very passionate about it all too - and that's what it takes to make a dream come true!! — Vicki W.
I love the jewelry. Mom is very happy with the rose necklace. And I love the one I got, too. They came in perfect condition. :-) — Pam T.
AND, we are so excited about the great media coverage we have gotten!
We are especially delighted that it came from Green Source DFW because sustainability and caring for our planet and all of the life on it is very near and dear to us. And, we also are very proud that the Lakewood / East Dallas ADVOCATE discovered us because they also are all about something that is very important to us — community!
Treats For Your Green Valentine
Neighbor Opens Online Shop That Offers Pretty Things & Cool Stuff
"I can tell you are very passionate about it all too - and that's what it takes to make a dream come true!!" I started crying when I read that.
Yep. I am very passionate about Pretty Things & Cool Stuff, what it's about, what I envision about its possibilities and what it can evolve to be — with you coming along every step of the way!
So, here's to Spring — I hope you will take the time to watch and enjoy its unfolding beauty...simply stunning and truly awe-inspiring. That's why we chose the selections in our Flowers, Plants & Gardening Collection (and more are on their way!).
And here's to new beginnings and ongoing discovery. We hope you will find something inspiring in our Do Something Meaningful! Learn Something New! Collection (more to come, too!)
I think it's time to cue up a little Blossom Dearie and "They Say It's Spring".
If you Instagram, follow us from your phone app and share how Spring is unfolding in your world. Be sure to add this tag: #theysayitsspring.
Don't you just love Spring!
(ALSO, for those of you who live in Dallas, be sure to contact us to find out more about our local delivery options!)
January 08, 2014
How is your post-holiday re-entry going?
We at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff are still spinning a bit, and we want to thank you so very much for such a warm welcome!
Here are a few of the great reviews we received from our first customers: (we are incredibly honored and appreciative!)
NEW YORK CITY - Manhattan Unfurled - Matteo Pericoli
Terri O.: "This book is a gem and a classic, entirely addictive for a visual design professional. He raved about the wrapping so much I could hardly get him to open the package, but when he did he was very touched. The entire process from shopping on the site to communicating with Kim was a rare delight. She even shot photos of the wrapping paper selections and let me choose. That is amazing craft and service! Bravo, to pretty things and VERY cool stuff!"
5 stars
Paula A.: "All the items I bought for Christmas gifts were exceptionally special to all my loved of my favorites was "Ghost Ranch and the Faraway Nearby - Craig Varjabedian" which I gave to my brother-in-law........who wears Wranglers and is not an avid reader! I saw my favorite cowboy sitting quietly by the fireplace carefully absorbing each of the beautiful pages. Very fulfilling moment for me. Keep finding pretty things and cool stuff!!!"
5 stars
Jill S.: "This necklace is just as beautiful in person, and the service was seamless. Even the packaging was lovely! Thank you for a very professional but personal experience."
5 stars
Jackie B.: "I am so glad I got this. It turned out to be the favorite piece of many beautiful necklaces."
5 stars
Jackie B.: "It was very pretty and dainty. It goes with a ton of my outfits too."
5 stars
These reviews reflect what Pretty Things & Cool Stuff is all about — helping folks discover special things that resonate personally and bring enjoyment, edification and DELIGHT!
We are at work right now trying to make sure we do just that in this new year.
And we want to start by celebrating winter! Yes, celebrate winter. I love winter, and it always seems to get lost in the holiday craze.
After the holiday season — which I also love! — it's so nice to come off the frenzied, daze-inducing pace, make time to reflect, contemplate, observe, learn, plan, re-organize and, in the process, renew and start a new chapter in your life!
I'm not a big fan of really cold weather, but I love snow — it's so magical! — and I love great chocolate served hot. And tea, to sip and savor. While I am a wanna-be geekette and a confirmed gadget gal, winter is absolutely the best for curling up with a good book— a real one — that I can hold in my hands, turn the pages and close with a sense of accomplishment after I've read the last page, without having to be connected, wired or charged up.
And there there is winter's beauty. Yes, I said beauty — and Pretty Things & Cool Stuff is located in North Central Texas, not exactly a top-of-mind location for such. But if you look, really look, you will see what I am talking about. It's like the difference between beautiful black-and-white photography and color photography. The color distracts you from the fine details. In winter, without the distraction of color that the other seasons bring, you can see so much in Nature that you miss otherwise. And, you can watch the evolution of new life as the days grow longer.
Of course, one can't forget Valentine's Day! It always takes me back to handmade Valentines and picking out the perfect one to secretly drop on that special someone's desk. What is it about Valentine's Day that makes it feel so light-hearted and different from other days that involve gifts, cards, and sharing our feelings with those we love — or those we would love to love?! ; )
Stay tuned and check back often as we add new discoveries and endeavor to help you celebrate and enjoy a new year and new chapter, as well as make the time to discover the delights that winter brings!
P.S. I f you haven't already, go ahead and sign up for our email list and like us on facebook (see the bottom of the page). And, please share with your friends! Also, if you know of special finds that you would like to see at Pretty Things and Cool Stuff, please let us know!
December 14, 2013
Wow! Today has been a long time coming!
Pretty Things & Cool Stuff - the little shop at the corner of Discovery & DELIGHT is open!
You can find our story right here.
We still have goods to add to our Collections, and there is tweaking to be done. But we are very excited to get started!
We hope you will discover something special for you or for someone special —''tis the season! Pretty Things & Cool Stuff can be a starting point for a new path of discovery , or it can help you travel farther down an existing one. Especially if you let us know!
If you are interested in photography, jazz (a new path of discovery for me, created with a little help from my musician friends!), cooking with kids, chocolate, pies, original art, or handcrafted and vintage jewelry, we have some special selections just for you, Want to go some place - in person or in your imagination? Well, we can help you travel to England, including Downton Abbey and London (several of the items came directly from London), New Mexico and New York City.
And this is just the beginning! We will be putting up more goodies, so check back often!
Be sure to sign up for our email list and connect with us on our social channels - postings coming soon! You can find all of these in the footer at the bottom of this page.
AND, we want to hear what you would like to see at Pretty Things & Cool Stuff. I love the suggestions we had already gotten today. Thanks so much, folks!
You can email selection suggestions — and suggestions about anything else — to customercare"AT" prettythingsandcoolstuff "DOT" com ( replace "AT" and "DOT" with the appropriate symbols).
In this blog we will share backstories of items in the shop, as well as profiles of the artists and artisans whose work we carry. We also will share observations along the way about this new journey and and adventure we are on.
We also will look forward to your comments and welcome any questions you may have.
Thanks so much for checking us out, and we look forward to having you come back often and to sharing discoveries with you that bring DELIGHT!