Welcome to our Garden Shop! We are so very excited about its potential and possibilities, and we have thoughtfully and conscientiously curated sections for all ages!
We have books, gifts, yummy treats and more to help you and others engage with, understand, experience, care for, enjoy and celebrate Mother Nature!
If you have never grown anything, but you want to start with a container on your balcony. If you love getting dirty preparing a new garden or expanding an existing one. if you want to grow food (and eat and cook what you grow) or flowers, or both. If you want to grow from seed. If you want to transition an area into a sustainably diverse prairie, or, if you just want to learn to slow dow and take in all of the incredible beauty that surrounds us daily, from the sky to the soil and from all of plants and trees to all of our animal and insect companions, we have something to inspire, engage, inform, educate and help you do so.
Take time to browse the full collection, and, as with all under Pretty Things & Cool Stuff's sky-blue awning, the Garden Shop will always be a work in progress, so come back and visit often for new discoveries.
Let's get growing together!